“To Infinity & Beyond,” words made famous by Buzz Lightyear in the Disney/Pixar animated film “Lightyear” where Efren stars as Airman Diaz, opposite Chris Evans. Those words exemplify Efren’s professional career following the meteoric launching of the independent film Napoleon Dynamite.
This character actor has been seen in films as diverse as “Crank” and “Crank High Voltage” opposite Jason Statham, and “Employee of the Month” with Dane Cook & Dax Shepard, to television series’ “Perpetual Grace” with Sir Ben Kingsley, “Monsters of God” with Garret Dillahunt, and “FBI Most Wanted” with Dillion McDermott. You might also recognize his voice in the animated series “Bordertown”, “The Casagrande’s”, and the animated series “Napoleon Dynamite”.
You can look for him in his upcoming films “7 Cemeteries”, “Paleface” and “The Traveler.”