


LowKey is an indoor/outdoor comedy show created by comedians Paul Elia and Matt Rife. Born out of the pandemic's impact on live entertainment, LowKey has emerged as one of the top independent shows in the country, having been featured on The Tonight Show, the Netflix is a Joke Festival, Just For Laughs, and the Dubai Comedy Festival. It was the first live comedy show in the entertainment capital and continues to attract world-class comedic talent like Jerry Seinfeld, Bill Burr, Tom Segura, Mo Amer, Ramy Youssef, Ali Wong, and Iliza Shlesinger. Since its inception in July 2020, LowKey has sold out over 80 shows across Southern California, including indoor theaters in Palm Springs, Detroit, Canada, and Beirut Lebanon. With two hosts introducing four stand-up comics, each delivering a 10-minute set followed by an improvised 5-minute interview/riff, the open format of LowKey creates a unique bond with the audience and sparks spontaneous hilarious moments. The Just For Laughs Toronto indoor show will be co-hosted by Paul Elia and Ian Edwards, featuring a diverse range of comics and improvisers as part of the festival's lineup.


Lowkey: Thursday Sept 28

  • Graham Kay
  • Joyelle Nicole Johnson
  • Michelle Forrester
  • Chris Redd

Lowkey: Friday Sept 29

  • Adrienne Fish
  • Charles Haycock
  • Sydnee Washington
  • Mark DeBonis
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